My Mission

My Mission

Learning Activism

A civilized society would offer free, unlimited, quality education for everyone for life. This is not only doable, but highly feasible, even in a capitalist economy. For details on this idea, see the ReaLearning Insight. 


It is my intention to support all political, societal, artistic, and economic movements that bring us closer to my vision of a civilized society. That begins with free, unlimited, quality education for everyone, for life. Moreover, such educational opportunities should be designed and delivered using the principles of Universal Design so that all formats and presentations are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible.


I hold the following truths to be self-evident and will spend whatever remains of my life to make others see them that way too.

  1. Education and training together make up learning, which, applied over time, combines with experience to create wisdom.
  2. Education for life is a human right
  3. Training can be sold. Selling education is the work of people who don't understand rational commerce.
  4. The human-made world now relies so much on formal knowledge gained over the last 200 years that a strictly self-taught person is no longer capable of reaching their full potential.
  5. A civilized society will not pit intellectual development against manual skill, or other areas of human activity, but promote the value that all learning is desirable—the more, the better. 

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